Early days

These are some of the paintings I did very early on.... at the age of 15.....I was just out of school back then.... and these are some of my early ramblings in oil paint

For some time I was completely facinated by the shape of this bottle. I had also just read a book by Walter Foster on how to paint glass and water and was experimenting with the same

This was also a copy from a Walter Foster book....on how to paint flowers

This is one painting that Im sure lots of you have seen around.... I was quite proud of the pears and grapes in this one. I was still painting on regular chart paper then....couldnt afford the expensive canvases
My first canvas.......and yes thats the same bottle.......i did this same piece in water color.....that one came out much better.

This one is my favorite painting from back then, I loved the way I gor the capsicum and peas right!!!! Made this on handmade paper......the texture actually gives a great effect!!!

This was the first painting I attemped using a real life setup....could have done better with the vase

This is also a copy from a Walter Foster book.....I lived in the mountains and had not seen the sea side yet.........I painting this one on a piece of plywood lying around at home from some construction. The wood gave a great finish....although the wood colour does show through the paint.
 This one I drew from a real setup....
This is a copy from off someone else's blog.....this one was done on a canvas sheet...........canvas sheets are no fun to paint on....